According to local folklore Mount Ungaran place Gedong Songo stands of yore used by Hanuman to pile up big fight in the war Dasamuka Dewi Sinta. As is known in the story of the famous Ramayana pawayangan Dasamuka been kidnapped Dewi Sinta from the side of Rama, her husband.
To win back Sprott Break big war between Dasamuka with giant armies against the forces assisted Rama Hanuman monkey head. Syahdan the war Dasamuka that magic can not be stoned to death despite a variety of weapons by Rama. Seeing that the child god Hanuman was then held up a mountain to hoard Dasamuka body. Be Dasamuka buried alive by a mountain called the mountain later Ungaran.
Dasamuka-living life-style is buried at the base of the mountain every day Ungaran moans issued a gurgling sound that actually comes from the hot springs found there. Hot springs that contain sulfur itself finally into a bath to remove some skin diseases. In his lifetime Dasamuka reputedly fond of drinking to anyone who came to Mount Ungaran with bringing liquor Dasamuka will arouse lust. Smelled of alcohol becomes more of a moan Dasamuka-so, marked the bubbling hot springs. If it comes Dasamuka body moving can even cause a small earthquake. According to local stories.
To get to the location Gedong Songo very easy. of Ambarawa only about 15 km of westward through Bandungan attractions. If the distance is only 12 km Ungaran through Karangjati. Communities sure if this temple was awaited by a supernatural being who was nicknamed Mbah Murdo. "Based on the story Gedong Songo great-grandparents built by Empress Sima for offerings to the gods," he told the Mysteries. It is said that every time we face a tricky problem Empress Sima meditated in this temple to get the best solution.
Presumably, even this temple has a magic power. Proof, Empress Sima greatness was recognized by his opponents. Even some of the kingdom subjugated and subject to the authority of the Queen Sima. However, Siswoyo asserted, the story was passed down through generations of his ancestors. According Siswoyo, until now many visitors who perform special rituals in temples. They begged for help for a variety of objectives can be granted. Reportedly, the temple of the most widely used to meditate is a temple located on the top row.
Before entering the territory Gedong Songo, should visitors have to ask permission first to Mbah Murdo, who is believed to be magical inhabitants of this region. Say hello to him, for travel or ritual you are not disturbed. In the area of cultural heritage temple Gedongsongo temperature averaging 19 to 27 degrees Celsius, bio-energy proved to have the best in Asia. Bioenergy in this region even better than in the mountains of Tibet or other mountains in Asia. Once you breathe in bioenergy can provide freshness in mind that bring fresh ideas. This will greatly help to provide progress and improve the quality of life. You'll see the spring water with a foul-smelling smoke. That said, the water is full of good luck. Especially to cure skin diseases suffered by a person.
Sacred spring was guarded by Nyai Gayatri, a woman from the island resort. It is said that during his lifetime Nyai Gayatri is the lady Queen Sima, who is believed to be the first king in the land of Java. When she died, he chose to keep the springs that contain sulfur. Reportedly, Gayatri Nyai classified creatures kindly. He likes to bring relief to others, especially to cure various kinds of skin diseases. But, do not try to underestimate him because the result could be fatal.Once a while there is a visitor who pee in the spring. Suddenly she screamed like someone strangling him. Once brought to the paranormal, apparently, Nyai Gayatri, watchman springs that act offended by these visitors. After the apologies, and even then the disease can be cured again.
Many sweet story around this spring. Darmo, Magelang resident, who happened to be bathing in the spring, said he suffered skin disease gradually recovered after a bath in this place. In fact, many doctors have given up on the already chronic skin disease that. At the direction of a psychic he was asked to bathe in the spring as much as ten times. "I had a shower three times. But my illness has decreased. Hopefully, the tenth I could recover completely," he said hopefully.
The historian has yet to confirm when the temple was built and who the founder of the temple complex Gedongsongo. But seeing the form of temple architecture, especially the form of a frame leg of the temple, this temple is concluded contemporaneous with the Dieng temple complex. The possibility of this temple was built around the eighth century AD, during the reign of Sanjaya dynasty. It's just what the name of its founder king can not be known. Gedongsongo temple hindu religious background, this can be seen from the statues that occupy the recesses of the temple. For example statues Ciwa Mahadeva, Ciwa Grand Master, Ganeca, Dhurga Nahisasuramardhini, Nandiswara and Mahakala.
According to the experts about the Temple says Evi Saraswati temple in Indonesia can be divided into two types. Namely Hindu temples and Buddhist Temple. Key features of the two types lies in the shape of the building. Hindu Temple inclined slender, taper and height. While the Buddhist temple is round and big like the temple of Borobudur. Judging from the functions of the temple is also divided into two functions, namely as a place of worship or temple worship and temple used as a place of burial. While in the temple complex is estimated Gedongsongo a temple for the funeral. Because now found around the temple there are a lot of ash. Very probably this is the former combustion ashes of the deceased. According to the teachings of Hindu people who die are usually burned.
The temple building is still intact shape now live five buildings, the temple I, II, III, IV and V. Temple I consists of the building and is still intact, the building of the temple II consists of two main buildings are still intact and the other is not intact. Temple III consists of three buildings which are all still intact. Temple IV there are four buildings of the temple, but only one temple buildings are still intact. While Temple V place traces the foundation of the temple which shows that there used to a lot of temple building. But now only one of the main temple building is still intact. Temple VI, VII, VIII and IX is now no longer remains unclear, because there are some ruins of buildings there are many who diamanakan. Similarly, some statues are also kept by the Preservation of History and Archaeology of Central Java.
This mountain can be climbed from Jimbaran - Ungaran, or from the Park Building Songo Temple Tour - Ambarawa. By using the Tawang Jaya train from station to station Poncol Senen Jakarta - Semarang. From this Poncol station we took the bus to the terminal Terboyo city, followed by a small bus Bandungan majors. Ungaran Mountain is located in the south - southwest of Semarang city with a distance of about 40 km, precisely located in Hyderabad district. Mount Ungaran including strato type volcano eruptions. The mountain is composed of three mountains namely Mt. Gendol, Gn.Botak, and Mt. Ungaran. The highest peak Mt. Ungaran has a height of 2050 masl. To reach the summit of Mount Ungaran This takes about 5 hours from Songo temple building, or about 8 hours of Jimbaran.
The mountain is very special that is the heat of the earth on the south side and north side of the mountain, also in the mountains to the east. The highest heat was in Gedongsongo with the steam heat and the pool temperature 86 ° C are also hot springs. North of Mt. Ungaran there are several hot springs with temperatures ranging from 48 ° C and 53 ° C. The hot water contained in the east of the mountains have warm temperatures ranging from 42 ° C. Heat generated in the vicinity of this Gedungsongo associated with the youngest volcanic activity that occurred in gn.Ungaran, ie, since the flow of lava in the crater andesive in the north. There is no historical record of eruptions gn.Ungaran. Several times the activity of the eruption had occurred in the middle of the mountain near the summit of gn. Ungaran, thus forming a volcano.
The youngest phase of volcanic activity is a composition of basalt and andesite pile circular with diameters of 19 km which cut older volcanic and sedimentary Ungaran third. Two generations of Andesite dome has been formed since the fourth layer around the rim fault and the sides of the mountain. Being in Gedong Songo temple complex at the foot of Mount Ungaran like catapulted into the past with all kekunoannya. Seven temples stood silently with each other about 100 meters apart was emitting an aura of peace is eternal. The fresh smell of pine sap and fragrant roses that came brought a light breeze makes the head feels light. Gedong Songo temple complex is surrounded by a stretch of garden flowers on either side, reminiscent of the beauty of heaven where the gods dwell in the wayang story. In the distance appears green pine forests which crawls Ungaran feet to the summit of Mt.
As the name of this temple complex is actually composed of nine temples, rows from bottom to top are connected by cement walkways. One temple is located atop the highest peak is called Nirvana. Unfortunately two of the nine temples have been damaged until now lived seven fruit.Gedong Songo Temple Complex is expected to be built by King Sanjaya, the king of the ancient Mataram at around 8th century AD. Seeing the architectural style and its founder Hindu Gedong Songo is clearly a Hindu temple that was built for the purpose of worship. Various gods who are here as Grand Master of Shiva, Shiva Mahadeva, Shiva Mahakala, Durgamahesasuramardhani and Ganesya increasingly stresses as the building of worship of Hindus. Also found Linga and Yoni that are characteristic of Hindu temples in Indonesia.
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